N2H Studio

You have additional rights to know, delete and opt out, and requires “businesses” collecting or disclosing personal information to provide notice and a means to exercise those rights.

Categories of personal information collected in the preceding 12 months Business purpose for collection Third parties with whom we may share your information

Right to Know and Right to Delete For any of the personal information described above, you can request to know what personal information we collected, disclosed, used and sold, and request that we delete your personal information at any time.

To exercise your right to know and right to deletion, please submit a request by: Emailing nguyenhonghiep95@gmail.com with the subject line “Rights Request.” We will need to verify your identity before processing your request. In order to verify your identity, we will generally require the matching of sufficient information you provide us to the information we maintain about you in our systems. In certain circumstances, we may decline a request to exercise the right to know and right to deletion, particularly where we are unable to verify your identity.

Upon verification of your request, we will delete (and direct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our records, unless retaining the information is necessary for us or our service providers to complete the transaction with you, detect security incidents or fraud, fixing errors, exercise free speech or another right provided by law, comply with legal obligations or other internal and lawful uses.

Right to Opt Out of Sale You have right to direct a business that sells your personal information to stop selling your personal information and to refrain from doing so in the future. We do not sell any of your personal information and will require our service providers not to sell your personal information.

You also have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising any of the rights listed above.

If you are seeking to exercise your rights or have any questions or concerns, please email us at nguyenhonghiep95@gmail.com. In certain circumstances, you are permitted to use an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf where (i) you provide sufficient evidence to show that the requestor is an authorized agent with written permission to act on your behalf and (ii) you successfully verify your own identity with us.

We aim to respond to a consumer request for access or deletion within 45 days of receiving that request. If we require more time, we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing.